Wednesday 25 January 2012

Migration of RPD and catalog from Development to Test Environment OR Deployment of RPD and catalog

The Migration of RPD and catalog is very known subject of oracle BI but I feel it is very much important as well.
In OBIEE11g it is very easy to deploy the RPD and catalog, as OBIEE11g provided the Enterprise manger to control parameter of instanceconfig.xml and NQSConfid.ini files parameter.
If anyone want to migrate the RPD and catalog from Dev to test then he just need to copy the .rpd file and catalog directory from dev to test.
The default location of
RPD is Oracle_Home\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIServerComponent\coreapplication_obis1\repository
Catalog is: Oracle_Home\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1\catalog
The location of RPD and catalog may be the different according to user or there requirement, if the OBIEE server is clustered and sharing the RPD and catalog then the location may be at shared location.
To deploy the RPD and catalog on Test environment follow the following steps 

1)  Log in to the Enterprise Manager(EM)
      URL: http://Machine_Name:7001/em(7001 Default Port)
2) Clock on Business Intelligence -> coreapplication  present in left pan

3)  Select the Deployment tab and Repository sub tab

4) Click on Lock and Edit Configuration button, and this will enable to upload the new RPD
5) Then the brows button will enable click on it and select the RPD and specify the path of catalog in catalog location text box

6) Click on Activate Changes Button, one Confirmation windows will popup click on ok

7)  After changes are getting activated, click on Restart to apply recent changes link, it will navigate over Business Intelligence ->Coreapplication page. Click on Restart




  1. rishikesh,

    Nice post. Can be more elaborate about connection-pool changes like password (since we are having different superuser/password for different environments. there was even repository password now.

    1. chowdares,

      Sorry, for late reply.
      Can you please give me more detail to suggest the RPD connection or application Role changes?
      In most of the cases before moving the RPD from Dev to test the administrator need to change the connection pool setting, if testing team is using another database. Related to superuser/password,if the dev and test superuser are related to same group of LDAP and both environments user are authenticating against same LDAP then no need to change any setting in RPD related to superuser/password.

  2. Migration of RPD and catalog from Development to Test Environment OR Deployment of RPD and catalog
    can you please give me some more information and details about this? what is the process of testing Environment of RPD and catalog?

  3. Hi,

    Can you please clear the question more precisely...???

  4. Hi,
    Is there a way to move RPD without having to restart instances (We have a BIP application that should stays live and we don't want to restart obiee instances)

    Thank in advance.


  5. will please tell me how to modify the migrated reports again getting back to dev environment by using xml file

  6. i am creating a report for 10,ooo revenue,but in report section is showing only 4000 where i debug this issue.

  7. i am using Time series function(Ago & Todate)to create a report.but in report section it showing only Ago wise report not how to troubleshooting this issue.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Good and clear article, Thank you
